Originally posted by magical:
For example, you wrote a fic about...Clark winning the lottery off of some ticket someone gave him for his birthday,
Hmmm... That sounds like the start of a good challenge: Clark gets just such a winning lottery ticket from someone (Martha?), with the stipulation that if he does win, he must spend the winnings on himself. That is, he is not allowed to donate it to charity, to use it to buy anyone else a gift, or to invest it. He must spend it on something that he wants. What would it be? Let's say he won $50,000 -- a lot of money, but not enough to buy a house in Metropolis.

Would it be OK with you, magical, if I posted that as a fanfic challenge (with appropriate acknowledgements, of course)? I'd post it as a "100 things..." type challenge, so each respondent could just add a sentence or two about their ideas for what Clark might buy. You had indicated that you were using this just as an illustration, and that your story isn't really about this topic.
