Thanks everyone! Those are good suggestions too.


I get my best ideas from walking the dog around midnight or early in the morning.
I don't have a dog (and my cats would object to walking) but I do love how walking can clear your head.

Terry Leatherwood

Someone earlier mentioned the "circular file." Please do not throw away anything you write!
Good idea. It might not work for the present story but could be useful in future projects.

Yet another way to push the boulder up the hill is to edit your story, and by that I mean take a machete to it and chop out everything that doesn't move the plot forward.
That's a good idea too, though not always easy to do.

A more drastic way is to - gasp! - let someone else read it before you finish it!
I used to do this a lot but have gotten away from it. I tend to think I need to show a finished product. But if it could get things moving with these larger projects, it might be worth it.

Female Hawk

When I get stuck, I often watch a couple of LnC music vids. Just seeing the characters interact in some favourite scenes usually gets me writing again.
I'll have to try that.

BTW, I actually got a new idea yesterday for a L&C short story! Yea! hyper
