Step 1 - The idea. An idea comes, I scribble a few lines, a scene, a possible ending, and file it away on my hard drive.
Step 2 - Over time - usually while I'm writing something else - my thoughts may return to the story and I add more mini-ideas to the file.
Step 3 - I finish writing a story, check through my list of ideas, and choose one to work on.
Step 4 - write, usually a chapter at a time. I pay no regard to grammar, sentence structure, or repetition.
Step 5 - the main edit. This is the most time-consuming part. I have spent an hour on one paragraph - although 5-10 minutes is more normal. I work and rework sentences. Sometimes I realise the overall chapter is wrong and go back to writing to fix it.
Step 6 - Once each individual sentence and paragraph is in good condition, I re-read, stopping to edit whenever it's too rough to flow. I do this until I can read the entire chapter without stopping.
Step 7 - send to the BR/s.
Step 8 - Go over chapter again, noting BR's suggestion.
Step 9 - Go back to first unposted chapter and read from there, ensuring latest chapter 'fits' with whole story. Often, this is when I post a new part.
Step 10 - Start new chapter.

I rarely write out of sequence, although I did with my earlier stories.
I only write an outline when I'm struggling with a story. Mostly, I just write what's in my head, trying to ensure that I'm always heading for the planned ending.

Step 11 - A least a few months after entire story is posted, I edit for the archive. I think the break away is very beneficial and helps me see the story with 'new eyes'.

Hope this helps someone!
