with the same incredulity as she’d greet an announcement from Lois that she was from another planet.

I agree with Laura, it would be interesting to see what Clark is thinking... especially during that very gripping scene where Lois trips, which is when I started wondering what he is thinking. Kind of intriguing to have to guess: With this sequence of events, with them meeting after Lois is married to Lex, and meeting outside of Metropolis... Does the out-of-order sequence of events alter their future? That is, is it Lois who takes one look and falls almost instantly in love, and Clark who likes her, respects her, but takes much longer to realize he loves her? Or is it that he falls in love immediately (after all, he keeps coming back each day!) and is just very, very practiced in hiding his feelings because she's married?

And Simona and SJH wonder if Lex is what we are used to him being, (and if he is having Lois watched), or if he is really just what he appears to be?... There's that really suspicious destruction of the Planet [Oooh, cosmic, I just realized: the destruction of the planet!!! The superhero comes to earth after the destruction of his planet, and the supervillian is destroyed after his destruction of the Planet...] er, sorry-- got off track there.
goofy <ahem> So is Lex the egotistical, possessive megalomaniac, and is Lois being watched?

This first part of your trilogy is a riveting start to what I suspect is a powerful story arc. And you've got us all hooked, wondering where this is going and where you'll end the first part. It seems as if a lot of the action is going to happen there on the lakeside property. Will Lex return in this part? Will Lois go back to Metropolis? I can't think of how you can end this part except by a cliffhanger.

And you said
This story came to me as my husband and I were driving from Sault Ste. Marie to Thunder Bay; that stretch of Northern Ontario is pretty remote and towns, even villages, are few and far between. The scenery is simply breathtaking - far, far more amazing than I've managed to describe. And then we had Robbie Williams' Eternity playing on the car stereo. (Incidentally, if anyone hasn't heard the song, it's beautiful! It's the song Kae used in the trailer).
I can see how you conceived the start of this story, especially after I saw Kae's trailer... (wonderfully evocative, Kae!). But it's not a formulaic story at all, is it? Not a rewrite of an episode (although I've loved a lot of the episode rewrites I've read!). Not a reworking of a common story theme. Instead, an already-gripping,"cracking good story!", as Wallace would say. goofy

Houseguests notwithstanding, I hope you're going to post some more soon!


TicAndToc :o)


"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three."
-Elayne Boosler