Since my knowledge of firearms is limited to what's published in mystery novels... and since I'm too lazy to go and re-watch the DVD's...

Didn't Trask have a sidearm in GGGoH? And didn't he shoot someone (or threaten to shoot someone) with it?

The assumption is that Trask is an ex-military officer. What branch of the service was he in? Is this stated?

Do officers get to carry sidearms? (I always thought they did.) And are they required to carry a sidearm? If you are an officer, are you issued a sidearm? (I'm assuming "yes" here for the sake of the next question.)

Would Trask still have the one he was issued, and if so, what kind of a gun would it be? And, if he is *ex*-military, wouldn't he have to give back his sidearm when he left the service? But would he get a new gun that was just like the old one, for familiarity's sake?