In Escape from New Krypton, by MLT, Lois meets Lord Kal in Metropolis. They go together to Smallville, and the Kents help him to have a new identity, with the birth certificate of their dead son, Clark.

In Written in the Stars, by Beth Summerson, Krypton explodes when Kal is an adult and his ship arrives in Smallville. The Kents find him and call Lois (who is like a daughter for them). Lois and Kal go to Metropolis, and someone from the NIA helps Kal to have his new identity as Clark Kent.

These two stories are on the Archive.

Marcus, I think it is Ultimate Soldier, by Stopquitdont (on the Archive), but I'm not sure.



Non ! non, c’est bien plus beau lorsque c’est inutile !
(Edmond Rostand)