Quote # 1: these half-truths are just as painful as real lies
Me, Myself and You - Anti-Kryptonite

Quote # 2: Clark murmured. He sounded hurt
Just a Little Note - Virginia R.

Quote # 3: please don't react
A Shaken Revelation???

Quote # 4: you’re awakened by a deranged woman
Everywhere Stop, Quit, Don't

Quote # 5: the words came out sounding hollow
Asking Lois Out - Female Hawk

Quote # 6: I’ve tried some different outfits on him
The Inconveniences of Doing Superman's Laundry by the fabulous Nan Smith

Quote # 7: tendril of memory teased its way
The Chocolate Lab - Iolanthe Alias

Quote # 8: I think you guys are cute together
I'm going to guess Trusting Me, Trusting You by Female Hawk

Excerpt # 3: Uhh.....

Thanks, Amber!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~