These questions are for anyone who went to an American High School. If you were there in the 1980s, so much the better! smile

1. What is the most senior position called? Principal? Head Master?

2. What class would you most likely be in if you were 15? What is the class above that called?

3. How many year levels are there in High School? Are they ever all in the same place? Or are they always split into senior and junior?

4. What do students call the teachers? Sir? Madam? Mr Surname?

5. Do students move around during the day - ie from subject to subject and room to room with different teachers? Or do they mostly stay in one room with one teacher?

6. In a fairly small High School, who would be likely to deal with discipline problems? Principal? Senior teacher? Who would be most likely to deal with a new student being enrolled?

7. What would be a likely punishment for something like hitting another student? Detention? Suspension? Under what circumstances would the student's parents be called?

8. I've been told that text books are often supplied by the school. Do students usually supply their own paper and pens?

9. Do students ever take a packed lunch from home? Or do they always buy at the cafe/canteen?

10. Do schools have drinking fountains/faucets where the students can drink water during the day?

11. What time does the school day begin? And what time does it end?

I realise that the answers could vary depending on which part of the USA you come from, but any information will help me avoid huge 'that *never* happens' problems.

Thanks in advance smile
