Well, aside from those already mentioned, a few of my favorites that I have written down are:

David: 'Incompatible' and 'The More Things Change.'

Jessi Mounts: 'To My Love.'

Sara: 'Full Of Grace.'

Rachel White: 'In His Arms' and 'My Definition Of Bliss.'

Angelic Editor and Ann Sidbrant: 'Some Kind Of Fantasy.'

Caroline K: 'Extraordinary' and 'When It Rains.'

Editor Jax: 'Rain.'

Laura S: 'We Always Rewind The Best Part.'

Christine Carr: 'Touch,' 'Life Lessons I: Clark,' and 'Life Lessons II: Lois.'

Anonpip: 'Going Her Way' and 'My Partner.'

mozartmaid: 'I'd Know You Anywhere.'

Catharine Bruce: 'You're Here.'

Hope that helps!