For those of you who have read more international thrillers than I have and/or actually know something about this IRL:

Suppose that there was an unexpected/accidental breach of territorial boundaries between the U.S. and a friendly country. For example, if a U.S. air force trainee accidentally intruded into Canadian or Mexican air space (not likely, I'm sure, but it's just an example). I'm sure there would be some sort of communication between the countries along the lines of (in Diplomatic Speak, of course) "Dude! What the hey!" "Sorry, man, my bad!" "Well, watch it, will ya?"

My question is: Between what departments/ministries and at what level would that conversation take place? Probably not Prime Minister to President. Minister to Secretary? of what? State? Defense? Homeland Security? CIA director?

Any ideas?



This *is* my happily ever after.