I hope everyone noticed that there are multiple copies from different FoLCs on some of the quizzes and you don't want to miss out on the answers to both versions, because the quotes are different!
For example, there are 2 versions of #4 Best Comedy
and #5 and #6 are both Best Revelation. The point is that both are for consideration in that category. I found this out when trying to organize the recommendations for my nominations and searched for "Quiz Scores".
Kerth Quiz #12 - Best Episode Adaptation SCORES AND RECS March 02, 2011
Kerth Quiz #11 - Best Relationship (Over 50K) - SCORES AND RECS February 26, 2011
Kerth Quiz #4 - Best Comedy SCORES AND RECS February 25, 2011
Quiz # 10 SCORES & RECS - Best Original / Supporting Character February 22, 2011
Kerth Quiz # 9 - SCORES AND RECS February 18, 2011
Kerth Quiz #7 - Best Super Short - SCORES AND RECS February 11, 2011
Kerth Quiz #6 - Best Alternate Universe/Elseworld/Next Gen Story - SCORES AND RECS February 08, 2011
Kerth Quiz #5 -- Best Revelation SCORES AND RECS February 04, 2011
Kerth Quiz #3 - Best Short Story SCORES AND RECS January 26, 2011
Kerth Quiz #2 - Best WAFFy SCORES AND RECS January 24, 2011
Kerth Quiz #1 - Best Mid-Length SCORES AND RECS January 20, 2011
Kerth Quiz #12: Best Relationship Story -- SCORES AND RECS February 25, 2010
Kerth Quiz #11 Best Alternate Universe/Elseworld/Next Generation - Scores & Recommend February 22, 2010
Kerth Quiz #10: Best Original/Supporting Character -- SCORES AND RECS February 18, 2010
Quiz #9: Best New Author SCORES AND RECS February 17, 2010
Kerth Quiz #8: Best Super-Short Story -- SCORES AND RECS February 15, 2010
Kerth Quiz #7 Best Dramatic Story - Scores & Recommendations February 10, 2010
Kerth Quiz #5: Best Episode Adaptation -- SCORES AND RECS February 07, 2010
Kerth Quiz #6: Best Revelation Story -- SCORES AND RECOMMENDATIONS February 06, 2010
Kerth Quiz #4: Best Comedy SCORES AND RECOMMENDATIONS January 31, 2010
Of course, everyone is doing their own thing, but looking at both might help them decide.
Happy Nominating!

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis