Sorry I'm late here, Erin. Been pretty tired lately, and not reading too much.

Very nice part. It's cool to see the way Clark's feelings mirror Lois's. Kind of funny seeing him taken by surprise by his alter ego's sudden fame (and the consequences for him, as a reporter).

Minor editing notes:

A momentary panic seized his heart. How was he supposed to be two people? He'd thought about in briefly,
I assume he thought about it briefly?

Feeling more ready to handle things, Clark next phone Perry.
Clark phone Perry? Well, he is an E.T., but Perry isn't exactly at home...

Speaking of E.T.s, I'm was a little surprised that Clark knows he is one. The explanation does work, but it had me wondering in the meantime.

It's also a little strange to hear about a respectable journalist writing with a deliberate slant.

I'm a bit confused by this:

It was going to be a good day tomorrow. Perry would undoubtedly treat him like gold.
So he'll melt Clark down and reshape him into a bunch of decorative ornaments?

Minor nitpick:

He'd had to reconcile the fact that he was different from his friends. Nobody else could fly, burn and cool things with his vision,
The cooling is done with his breath, not his vision.

I love the alternate take on the costume creation. Very nice. The phone conversation was great, and I like the detail of why Martha never showed Clark the S.

Another little nitpicky question - If he wanted the Suit to be tight so that he could fit it under his clothes, how do you explain the cape?

Sorry to fill this post with more nitpicks than praise. I enjoyed this part very much. Can't wait to see what happens next, when, I presume, a certain reporter from San Fransisco will be landing somewhere in the vicinity of Clark Kent.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.