I apparently made this quiz too hard. Oops. blush Geez... I didn’t think my quotes would be so hard!

1 Taking Down A God: The Rest of the Story by Dandello
2 Guilt by Tank Wilson
3 Too Soon For Love by Ray Reynolds
4 Treasure Chest by Female Hawk
5 Games People Play by Nan Smith
6 When The Sky Falls by Bobbart
7 The Cold Shoulder by Terry Leatherwood
8 Different Directions by Lara Moon
9 Vanity by Anonpip
10 Cold and Blood by Evelyn C

Female Hawk gets a shiny gold star for recognizing her own story!

The totals for this round:

Female Hawk 12 points
Darth Michael 7 points
BJ 6 points
IolantheAlias 5 points
Mozartmaid 3 points
Lynn S.M. and Alisha Knight tie at 2 points each
Emily C. 1 point (didn't specify quote or excerpt)

Overall Totals:
BJ remains in 1st place with 59 ¼ points
Darth Michael moves to 2nd place with 58 ½ points
IolantheAlias is closely behind with 58 points.
Lynn S.M. comes in 4th with 55 points
Artemis is still hiding and has 52 points
MozartMaid and Female Hawk are tied with 40 points each
Emily C - 28 points
Bobbart - 24 points.
Alisha Knight - 22 ½ points
SciFi Joan - 2 points

If I’ve forgotten how to add again, please set me straight! eek


Best Drama:
The Case of the Flying Man by Lynn S. M.
Games People Play by Nan Smith
Nowhere to Run by ML Thompson
Treasure Chest by Female Hawk
The Time Traveler's Wife by ML Thompson
When the Sky Falls by Bob Bartholomew
Too Soon For Love by Ray Reynolds

And, by the way, there are 3 quizzes left.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~