Yay! I'm first. smile

Let's begin with a super short spoiler space...















From the quotes:

1 No idea. Sounds more like a vampire story than an L&C one.
2 ?
3 *Sigh*. I had thought I'd do well with this quiz...
4 I like the quote. I wish I knew what it is from.
5 Ooh! Ooh! I get one right! It's "Looking In" by Lynn S. M. Another gold star! :-) (Now won't I be embarrassed if I got the wrong story! It could also be from the companion piece From the Outside.)
6 Then who's arm candy does she want to be? ;-) Don't know the story, though.
7 I'm going for a near-perfect no-hitter. (Recognizing my own story doesn't count.)
8 Oh, this one I recognize! It's Rocks, Rings, and Hammers, by ML Thompson.
9 ?
10 Another one of mine! It's Charades. :-)

From the excerpts. (Unless listed below, I am sticking with my guesses from the quotes.)
1 I still don't recognize it, but I'll guess Cold and Blood by EvelynC.
2 At least this sounds familiar. Not that that helps. Perhaps ML Thompson's Lunkhead, No More?
3 Mxyunderstanding, by amberlea
4 Owl's Over Metropolis 2: Frog Day Afternoon, by Marcus Rowland
5 All right. I'm officially embarrassed. My gold star has been demoted to a silver star. This is "From the Outside," after all. Still by me, though.
6 Perceptions, by anonpip
9 I think this may be Why? by Bob Bartholomew. I vividly remember the quote, just not sure where it's from.

Well, I had to rely on the excerpts a lot, but I was able to semi-redeem myself, at least.

Thanks for a fun and challenging quiz, MM! :-)


p.s., I feel somewhat vindicated over my story mis-identification for #5. I just looked over my stories again. (After having posted my guesses.) The quote as given was actually in both stories ("From the Outside" and "Looking In"). The excerpt, however, could only be from "From the Outside," since it is in Clark's POV. *Whew* blush :p (We need a graemlin of someone wiping the sweat from their brow in relief.)