Here are my guesses.

From the quotes:

1 ?
2 ?
3 ?
4 The Time Traveler's Wife by ML Thompson?
5 ?
6 Aussie Rules by Female Hawk, who also rules!
7 Oh goodie! I'm going to get a gold star -- I recognize this story! This is from The Gifts, by yours truly :-)
8 Who could forget Picnic Confessions by Mary Potts (AKA Queen of the Capes)?
9 ?
10 ?

From the excerpts: (Unless otherwise noted, I am sticking to my answers from the quotes.)
1 Flying Lessons, by Sue S.
2 Of course! This is The Time Traveler's Wife, by ML Thompson
3 The Man Under the Suit, by Happy Girl. Definitely.
4 I remember this...Bill Henderson says this excerpt. Let me see... Of course. Inspector Bigmouth by Anonpip
5 Sounds vaguely familiar, but I'm not placing it.
9 When the Sky Falls, by Bob Bartholomew, perhaps?
10 ?

BTW, I think you may wish to change the Spiffy Disclaimer Thing to say that all of the stories here qualify for Best Revelation (not Comedy.)

Thanks, MozartMaid, for coming up with this quiz and for posting it a little early. It was fun!
