Once again, thank you to everyone who answered (or attempted to answer!) this quiz. But aren't we all winners when it comes to the WAFFy category? smile

Recipients of the coveted “Recognized Your Own Story” star for this round are Lynn S.M., BJ, and bobbart! Congratulations! smile Try not to let the shininess of the star distract you from writing new fic.

Here are the answers:
1 – The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Superman, Anonpip
2 – No Cars Go, Alisha Knight
3 – Why? Bobbart
4 – Baby, It's Cold Outside, HappyGirl
5 – The Gift of Words, Female Hawk
6 – Wasted Revelations, BJ
7 – Superman's Laundry, bakasi
8 – Supercool, Saori Tanaka
9 – A Revelation By Any Other Name, Tank Wilson
10 – Clark's Card, Lynn S.M.

The scores for this round are as follows:
Darth Michael comes out on top with 8!
mozartmaid is close behind with 7!
bobbart makes a strong first showing with 6!
Lynn S.M. scored a solid 4!
BJ doubled her previous showing with a 3!
And IolantheAlias made the scoreboard with 2!

As for the running tally:
mozartmaid = 15
Darth Michael = 13
IolantheAlias = 6
bobbart = 6
BJ = 4.5
Lynn S.M. = 4
Alisha Knight = 3
EmilyC = 2

As always, recommendations for other stories in the category:
Flying Easy by Bob Bartholomew
Night Witness by Mozartmaid

Thanks for playing along!
Amber smile