
A variant on dcarson's suggestion: I have also read that some pro writers set aside writing time each day. They make themselves sit at the typewriter/computer for the alloted time, whether they feel like it or not. They have a choice between writing and just sitting there being bored stiff. The threat of boredom gets their muses going.

I have never tried this approach, since:
1) My schedule is such that I only have time to write on a hit-or-miss basis.
2) My stress levels from RL are such that I see no reason to add to them with something that is supposed to be a fun, stress-relieving activity.
So I, personally, only write when the muse strikes and I have the time -- That's one reason why my stories are all so short. (Even the "long" story that I am working on now will probably only be a two parter.)
