I should do something else - like read some fanfic for a change, but I don't have much free time. I'm just trying to ignore my DD who is being very demanding all day and trying my patience. So, I'm trying to teach her that she has to play alone occasionally.

So, I thought I'd take a stab at this. Here are my answers:

- the best? Not sure. I'd probably vote for Heartbeats and Other Sounds , but I had another story the year I wrote that nominated for a Kerth and that one wasn't, so that probably isn't a view shared by others.
- the most fun? Fighting Dirty . Really the beginning of Breaking Up is Hard to Do was most fun for me to write (but only because I missed the Chad I created in Triangle), but then it got too angsty, that I can't really claim it was the most fun overall.
- the most WAFFy? Don\'t Fall
- the most powerful? Packing Up Home
- your own personal favourite? I don't really know. A long one for sure as I'm always prouder of myself for finishing those. I like re-reading some of the shorter ones, but when I re-read the long ones, I recall the feeling of accomplishment I had with those and I typically don't have that with one-shots.
- the one you would most recommend to others? No idea. I can only tell you that the first one I wrote, A Conversation Best Overheard, was one I'd suggest staying far away from as it was really awful (which is why I didn't include a link here). But aside from thinking that pretty much all the others are better, I don't know which one I'd recommend, if any.