I've been searching for this fic and I'm not having any luck. I've read it a few times and love it. Lois and Clark dated and broke up. The Daily Planet staff ends up going on a camping trip. Lois is not thrilled. Clark tries to be nice to her so they can make up. They end up getting back together, but then Lois goes out on a canoe and gets stuck in a storm. Clark then has to save her.

Any ideas? I know there's a nfic version. Can't remember the author or the title and it's driving me crazy!

Thanks in advance!


Joey: If he doesn't like you, then this is all just a moo point.
Rachel: A moo point?
Joey: Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion, you know, it just doesn't matter. It's "moo."
Rachel: Have I been living with him for too long, or did that all just make sense?