I don't know if anyone will be able to help me, because I can't seem to remember anything about the actual plot of the fic. I believe it's a longer one and probably one that won a Kerth, because those are all I've really read thus far. Anyway, all I remember is this:

It ends with Lois and Clark at Clark's apartment. Perry comes over and Lois pretends not to be there by hiding in Clark's room (I think), but she comes out mid-conversation. I was thinking maybe it had something to do with the episode with Linda King, since Perry and Clark plotted behind Lois's back.. or maybe around the time she was set to marry Luther (as again Perry wouldn't expect her to be there.) I'm also pretty sure it says something about her wearing Clark's shirt and I remember her poking Clark with her toe/foot while they're talking to Perry. Perry leaves, leaving them alone, and as far as I know, that's basically the end of the fic. I know it's not a lot to go on, but maybe the person who wrote it will see this or one of you will have an amazing memory and know what I'm talking about? Thanks for reading either way! smile