This is a question for a story I'm writing, but it's not for an L&C fic. The problem is that I don't have anywhere else to ask, and it's really bothering me not knowing because I hate guessing medical facts for my stories. I know we do have some doctors who frequent here, so I figured this would be worth a shot. I apologize if I shouldn't be posting this here. Please remove it, if so.

I'm in the process of writing a very long story involving a man who was shot in the chest just under or next to his left nipple. The bullet lodged itself next to his aorta, caused massive hemorrhaging in the lungs, and he suffered from a hemothorax before he was able to receive proper medical care. A cardio-thoracic surgeon ended up cracking his chest to fish out the bullet and make repairs.

My question is basically this. What kind of recovery time are we looking at, here, ballpark, for him to not be experiencing pain from his bullet wound? I've learned through my research that the broken sternum from the surgery will be bothering him for months, but I've been able to find very little information on specific GSW recovery times.

Thank you so much smile

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.