can see no way of actually accessing a story from the comments page.
In this forum, we keep story parts and comments completely separate. The only way you'd be able to access the story itself from the comments folder would be if the author had specifically included a link within it. Some do, some don't.

So if you want to read the comments on a particular story part, click on the thread which contains 'Comments' or 'FDK' in the thread title. The story part will be - or should be - the thread with the title which doesn't include that.

For example, from the fanfic folder:

Courage 3/4 - is part three of that story and FDK Courage 3/4 - is the comments folder for part three of the story.

Story parts also usually have a blue arrow next to them, on the left hand side of the title, to make it easier to spot them.

FDK, btw, stands for feedback and comes from a fanfic written by Hazel called The Ultimate Drug. You can find it on the Archive.

If you go to the TOC folder, you can find links to all the story parts and comments folders for a story, handily together, to save you searching for them. Just click on the links in the TOC.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers