Originally posted by elizabeth:
But the fact that I tried to get on to it without any success via my cell phone which uses a totally different ISP means that it may not be my ISP at fault either.
Ah, it uses a different ISP? That is interesting. It also greatly lessens the likelihood that it is anything on your end. After all, your cell phone wouldn't use your home firewall, for example.

I have another thought: Could you try pinging the web site based on its IP address? An nslookup of the site indicates that its address is I am able to ping it successfully, so the site administrators have not blocked echo requests. (Which, quite frankly, they should do -- such requests could be a security hazard; but that is beside the point.) If you can ping it successfully, the problem may be with a faulty entry in a DNS server.

Edit: You could also try a tracert based on both the site's domain name and its IP address to see whether the two follow the same route. if the two are wildly divergent and their final destinations differ, then that would confirm the faulty-DNS-entry hypothesis.

- Lynn