I have a few suggestions. None are guaranteed to help you get past a block, but I've used all of these on various occasions.

1. Just write. Don't worry if it's not exactly what you want it to say. Or even if it's just random thoughts - or in point form. And don't be surprised or worried if you end up deleting the whole section. But sometimes when you start writing, after a couple of pages, you realize what you really want to say and how to say it and can go from there.

2. If you're blocked on one section, jump over it and start writing a later scene in the story. Work on that for a while. Worry about how to link the two later. It might help you get past your block.

3. Going for a drive often helps me get past a block in a story. As I drive, I puzzle through the problem in my mind and often come back with an idea of what I'm going to write next.

Hope one of those idea helps.

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane