Most of you know that I don't write very many stories with an actual A-plot. And so now that I want to, I'm lost!

In another thread someone asked what fic you wouldn't write. Is there really such a thing? I've wanted to write a fic for quite a while where Lois and Clark don't really like each other (at first anyway). And then I got to watching the movie '12 Rounds' and I figured why not combine them? For anybody not familiar with the movie, this maniac kidnaps the hero's girlfriend and makes him do all kinds of crazy things to get her back. (He also blamed the hero for his girlfriend's death. You know, like he needed an excuse to be a butthead.) I thought that would make a great L&C fic!

What I need help with is the actual crazy things? I was thinking something along the lines of the tests Lex put Superman through to test him. However, I was also thinking that it would be even better if these tests were complicated by Clark having to perform them while keeping his secret. Tests more for Clark than Superman. Or maybe Lex somehow knows who Clark is (haven't figured out how he figures it out yet) Superman and he's trying to force him to reveal himself to the world. Of course, one of the most obvious of things to do would be for Lex to test Clark's loyalty- would he die for Lois? Even though they dislike one another? Or Lois could rub Lex the wrong way and he tests them both. Would she die for Clark? Maybe they get caught up in a story exposing Lex and he gets ticked off, then decides to put them through the ringer for it. You know, typical day in the life of our favorite couple. So, any ideas on how these two can be made miserable?

Oh, and in the movie, each 'round' the hero played served a purpose. The villian ultimately had the hero setting the stage for him to rob the US Mint. But we all know Lex is just plain crazy. He doesn't need a reason to do stupid stuff.

I haven't figured out yet if I'll introduce Superman or if he's already flying around. I do know I want Lois to like him only slightly more than Clark.

So... HELP!

PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! grovel