I'm a bit confused about this. I think maybe I read all this stuff and get to thinking too much about what it means.

Anyway, from the Kerth Site: FAQs
If a story is nominated in more than three categories, who decides which categories it actually makes the ballot in?

The nominations staff of K-Com makes that decision, taking into account the number of nominations in each category (not counting multiple category nominations from the same people) and the categories that the story best fits into.
Here's the part that has me confused:
(not counting multiple category nominations from the same people)
Now that reads to me like any story I might nominate in more than 3 categories will be eliminated ("not counted"). Is that true?

Now I'm quite likely to nominate a story in 3 categories plus also in Best Overall (have done so in the past too). If a story is a Best Overall contender, it very probably also qualifies for at least 3 other categories. Maybe more. smile

So had we better limit ouselves to no more than 3 noms per story if we want our nominations to count?
