Thank you to everyone who responded to the quiz for Best Episode Adaptation! You guys rock. And also, thank you for giving recommendations, which are very important!

And now, on with the answers ...

Story 1: Three Christmases – Lieta
Story 2: That Ol’ Revelation of Mine – Bren Ren
Story 3: I’ll Be Around – Happygirl
Story 4: The Ordinary Man – Michael
Story 5: Right Off the Bat – LaraMoon
Story 6: TOGOM 2009 – Tank Wilson
Story 7: The Three Rules – Scarlett Burns
Story 8: Feeling Christmas – BJ
Story 9: The Hottest Team In Town – Happygirl and Female Hawk
Story 10: That Little Sister of Mine – Alisha Knight
Story 11: A World Without Superman – Dandello
Story 12: Final Countdown -- Bellarata

There were 24 possible points for this quiz, and the winners are ...

In first place, with a perfect store of 24, is Kathy M, who also wins a shiny pink star for getting all of the episodes correct! thumbsup

In fourth place, with a score of 6 (really only 5, but I gave him an extra point for forgetting him on the original list) is Michael!

In fifth place, with a score of three, is Alisha! clap

And in sixth place, with a score of one, is Carol, who sucked a little less this time. laugh

As for recs ...

The Buddy System -- Sue S. as JDG
After a Door Slams -- Bob Bartholomew
If At First You Don't Succeed ... -- ML Thompson
Lex's Best Day -- Bob Bartholomew

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"