Okay - epic fail! Coming right up! [Though I did already glimpse the last excerpt while copy/pasting and know I know it... whether I can pull the name/etc out remains to be seen...]















Quote 1:
"See, and that's *exactly* what I'm talking about. His first girlfriend left him because she was overwhelmed by his extracurricular activities and the second one was a borderline criminal," he animatedly interpreted the facts for her. "So you can't be serious when you cite them as valid reasons for why he should have told his most recent love interest the truth about Batman."
Hmmmm.... I'm gonna guess Lara or Queenie, simply b/c of the Batman reference...

Quote 2:
"You sure?" He sounded surprised but pleased. "You know," he added, slowing down to look her in the face. "At midnight, it's traditional for people to kiss."
Um... I know this was in another quiz...

Quote 3:
"Close your mouth, you'll catch a fly. Of course, you probably wouldn't even notice. A fly couldn't taste nearly as bad as a bomb, could it?"
LOL!!!! I don't remember this one!

Quote 4:
"I said I didn't have a pilot's license," he corrects as the beginnings of a smile tug at the corners of his mouth.
Um... I know I read this one...

Quote 5:
As the numbness of the cold began to leach out of my fingers and toes, the burning sensations came back. Still, it was bearable.

Quote 6:
"We need to go to Smallville. My mom always told me that when I finally got around to telling you the secret, I needed to bring you home for dinner." His expression suddenly turns playful. "I think she plans to pull out the baby pictures."
OH! I know I read this one! I may have even written it! If I absolutely must guess right now, I'd guess my 'Where Does Superman Go'

Quote 7:
Lois whirled to face him. "Where are we going? Where do you think!" She gestured wildly. "We're going to go confront your mother about why she just threw you in the garbage in an attempt to kill you!"
LOL! It's an ASU rewrite...

Quote 8:
"Oh, you smug-faced, cow-kissing, dirt-digging, bottom-feeding excuse for a slimy piece of worm-ridden pocket lint!" Lois intoned, stepping closer to the object of her anger.
Another LOL!

Quote 9:
"I saw you a few weeks ago in a coffee shop; recognizing you, I asked the lady who manages the till who you were and I finally learned the name of the man who saved me… Clark Kent."
OH!! This is the lady who was in front of the bus when Clark stopped it in the pilot!!! That's all I got though...

Quote 10:
Everything I needed to know about Clark Kent, Superman told me that first day. And it was true. And that's why now, when he's putting it all on the line again, it's my turn. To be a friend. To be around. To stifle the impulse to withdraw, the impulse to accuse. Because he didn't tell me. But I'm going to tell him.

Quote 11:
Lois wasn't sure what was coming over her. When she first met Clark Kent, she never would have suspected that she'd think of him as a potential *date*, but she did. Maybe it was that *amazing* kiss at the Lexor. Or the things she'd realized while under the influence of the pheromone. Or what a gentleman he'd been while she was.
Um... I know I read this...

Quote 12:
It was time for some semblance of damage control. With as much anger in her voice as she could muster, Lois shouted, "Clark! Back on the ground! Now!"
Even if I hadn't seen the excerpt, I'd still guess this is the one where there's red Kryptonite on the tree at the Lane house... I think it's by Bobbart... Lois is pregnant, the red K makes Clark amorous and spills the beans about lotsa things...



Excerpt 1:
Um... all the Supers in the Incredibles do too Clark...

Excerpt 2:

Excerpt 3:
Ack! I know I read this! And recently! I think in my quest for writing the Comedy quiz...

Excerpt 4:
Yeah, it's a verb in the 'he fishes' context Lois...

Awww... [b/]

Excerpt 6:
[b]Erm... yeah, that's not mine...

Excerpt 7:
I shall stick with my previous answer...

Excerpt 8:

Excerpt 9:
Yep. Still stick with my earlier description but still don't remember any more than that... Book Club maybe? I think they go to a Book Club...

Excerpt 10:

Excerpt 11:
HEY!!!! This is mine!!!! A Certain Kansan! /goes back to see if she should have recognized the quote/ Maybe... Maybe not...

Excerpt 12:
See previous answer

[See Erin - told ya wink ]