Well, you can also put crystals on your Chakras. Since it's all about memory loss, the Brow Chakra or "third eye" (also good for seeing clearly) or the Crown Chakra would probably be best. For obvious reasons, Clark couldn't carry any stones around on his Chakras all day long. Keeping one around his neck (pendant on necklace, preferably gold because it's supposed to be a good energy conductor), his pocket or in his hand sounds like a good idea, too.

There's another way crystal healing can be applied. You put the crystals you want to use in a decanter, put clear water (from a spring?) on them and later drink the water. Or... for less rare crystals: grind them to powder and eat that somehow. Or make a salve from the powder.

Also, Star might want to recharge the crystals on a daily basis. Options are sunlight, moonlight, putting them close to "loading" crystals (like rock crystal) or she might go all esoteric and do some sort of energy transfer.

Uhm, is it obvious that I once read up on that sort of stuff? blush

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)