Well, I'm going to speak in defence of villains and A plots - probably because that's the type of story I used to write, unless it was just a few pages long. And truth be told, I'm not much interested in reading long fics that don't have A plots.

Here's why. I enjoy the characters, Lois Lane and Clark Kent - I want to see how their characters will meet new challenges - how they will react both to the new situation and to each other. Also, I tihnk it has to do with who each is - he *is* Superman, and that means he deals with villains, whether it's a rogue individual or a force of nature - one of the best villains I've read in our L & C fanfic is Jenni D's volcano in Red Sky for example. Lois Lane is an investigative reporter - that's as much a part of her personna as chocolate addiction. smile Perhaps more (although I'm not sure laugh ) To omit the A plot or the villain is to limit the story - it becomes merely a romance or a soap op. (mind you I do like the romance to be there too:)

So a long fic that is A plotless or villainless (bet you think there's no such words!) bores me - I stop reading it.

Okay now for the canon villains - Luthor, etc - nope I could never write Luthor - don't know why because L & C's Luthor was not boring or silly - he was magnifcently evil. But for some reason I like to see 'orginal villains' in fics - characters we haven't met before.

Maybe it's a yin and yang thing - Supeman-Clark Kent and Lois Lane are partly defined as fighters for truth and justice, and so I like to see them doing that.

Just my opinion, but you knew that, didn't you:)

btw, interesting topic
