Hi Cilygo and welcome!

Are you looking for the Strangers series by Missy Gallant? I remember a wonderful dance scene in Strangers V: Kissing Friends .

I quote from it:

<Feel it, Lois! Feel how much I love you!> He turned his face slightly
and tenderly brushed his lips into her hair.

Lois felt his breath in her ear, inhaling and exhaling as they swayed
to the romantic lyrics and dreamy music. She didn't know what was
happening around her, all she knew was that her senses were on
overload. She tilted her head slightly to the side, silently pleading
with him to do something with those lips. Why did this feel so right?
What is it about this man that made her want to stay in his arms

"Sing for me, please," Clark whispered huskily. "I remember you have
the most lovely voice."

Sing for Clark? She'd done it a million times since the White Orchid
Ball, but only in her dreams or when she was alone. They were close to
the piano, and Lois left Clark's arms for a moment to whisper into the
pianist's ear. The musician nodded and smiled at Lois knowingly as he
modulated into another key and song.

Her voice started out barely audible, but then the song began tumbling
out as the lyrics began to touch her.

Sometimes I wonder why I spend The lonely nights, Dreaming of a song,
The melody haunts my reverie, And I am once again with you, When our
love was new, And each kiss an inspiration..."

"Inspiration... " Clark murmured as his arms tightened around her.

"But that was long ago, And now my consolation is in the stardust of a
song," Lois sang softly.

"Beside a garden wall, When stars are bright You are in my arms; The
nightingale tells his fairytale Of paradise where roses grew, Though I
dream in vain In my heart there always will remain My stardust melody,
The memory of love's refrain."

"Does it have to stay a memory, Lois?" Clark whispered huskily. "I
remember, and it was beautiful. What we shared, what we started, was
breathtaking. What we could have... "

"I remember too," she said quietly and tightened her arms around his
neck. "How could I forget?"

Clark felt her shift her head to the side, and he lowered his head to
kiss the area below her ear. As he planted soft, gentle kisses on her
neck, he felt her heart beat faster beneath his sensitive lips. Her
taste was sweet, and her sighs were telling him that for the moment she
was content. In the back of his head, he knew he shouldn't be kissing
her, but he threw those thoughts out of his mind and gave in to the
feelings that were overwhelming him. They needed to talk.

The dancing couple was totally oblivious to the stares that they were
generating by the others in the room. Perry's mouth was hanging open at
the fire-hot connection that his top reporting team projected. He
wasn't sure whether to be shouting for joy or rushing over to break
them up. Lois was completely surprising him, her vexatious attitude
toward her coworker was no secret to anyone and this complete
turnaround had everyone in shock.
This scene is wonderfully written, but the whole of the story (of the series!) is great!

Simona smile