Hi Tania! smile

No, it isn't just for authors: It's for everyone. smile
However, I'm still not sure how to organize everyone and everything, so I've been kinda figuring things out as I go. This is partly why I keep whining about wanting help. *g*

There's a lot you can do to contribute, and you don't even have to do *everything* on the list. Reminding me that not all FoLCs are writers was helpful, for one.

Basically, anything you know about the fandom or the show goes into the pot, and we can always reorganize it later. Mostly we need content.

Also, and this is for everyone:
You don't really have to worry about 'signing up' to contribute, though it is free and easy to do so. I don't know how many times I've done some editing on a wiki and later realized I wasn't logged in; the result was simply that I was credited as "anonymous". So Just jump in! ^^
