Okay reworking the question to make more sense for the answers I'm looking for wink .

In rewatching the series, I have made it past S3D1 for the first time in a very very long time..

Has it been 30 earth years since the NKers left K?

Or has it been longer?

Did they all stay in the sort of suspended animation that we tend to read about Clark being in while he traveled? How long do we think that travel took with the 'new hyperlight' drive?

If so, how would that have affected the NK population? Did their ship just sort of float around the universe looking for some kind of planet to land on using AI of some kind so they were all in suspended animation? How long would the trip to/from NK take - did they say?

I had one thought that it had taken Clark' ship 2000 years to get here but i realized that couldn't be the case b/c Zara is Clark's birthwife and so presumably his parents knew her parents etc. unless they were all suspsended... Zara is about the same age as Clark. Unless they left her [and Nor?] in suspended animation until about the same time Clark would have 'woken up' but everyone else just went on, but that doesn't make sense to me...

That made sense in my head, but I'm currently sleep deprived and have 'nap hangover'...

Anyway - thoughts on any of that? Am still not sure it's making sense but...

Carol [who points she never said this has anything to do with BIII]