I would buy that, Carol. thumbsup

And just to follow up ...

In D.C., I think it's someplace in Virginia, Arlington or Alexandria, maybe.
Arlington and Alexandria have nice areas, no question, but on average, both are what I would describe as upper middle class, with areas of working class in each. The homes are expensive by many standards -- $600-800K buys you a three to four bedroom family home with good schools but very little yard -- but the lifestyles are not "rich" as much as typical white collar, college educated, two-income families. You just need two professional incomes (and years to save up a down payment) to afford what in many areas of the country would be affordable on one professional income or two working class incomes.

Having lived the last year in Arlington (with my best friend from college just a few miles down the road in Alexandria), I still shake my head at how expensive housing is here. A million-dollar home here is nice, but not nearly as fancy as you'd think it would be for that price.