Maybe I have pregnant brain, but what time does the ceremony start this year? Um, not that I set the time for my ingrate sister's bridal shower/luncheon as 11 a.m. so I'd be home by 2 p.m., since that's when it started last year.

Ensuing conversation, after I explained the time to my mom, who raised an eyebrow because seriously, when do I ever suggest doing anything before noon:

Me: (casually) "People eat lunch at 11."
Mom: "Wait a minute ... aren't your awards that day?"
Me: (suddenly regretting I mentioned it) "Um, what?"
Mom: (after a long pause) "The Kerths, isn't it?" Then she starts LAUGHING at my silence. "I thought so."
Me: "No, I'm doing it for [my aunt, who will be visiting.] Eleven here is noon in Denver! She'll be hungry!"
Mom: "Riiight."
Me: "Fine. I'm being shady. But it's more fun than a bridal shower!"

And I stand by that statement! grumble

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"