I'm thinking of another one - by SQD I think ...


Chip off the Old Clark isn't the one I was thinking of but...

There's another one I'm thinking of where Clark has a son with Lana and Lois had a baby with Claude and then Dan iirc. Or maybe both kids were Dan's? But I don't think so. Um... she represented athletes [a la Tom Cruise in the Show Me the Money movie... Jerry McGuire!] for Sam's agency and Clark worked there too I think. I think. I've not got a clue who it's by because SQD was who I thought and it's not. And I wouldn't swear that I ever read it either, though I think I did... There was a sequel too I think.

Yeah I'm tons of help...

I scrolled through just looking at the author's names on the archive and no one jumped out at me.

Anyone else?

