should you get off the hook just because she asked you to do what you did, because she was in such awe of you that she thought you could do what you did without killing her?
Interesting discussion. I just have to correct this small point though. Lois wasn't unaware of the dangers and risks involved. She specifically says, "Yes, I could die." At no point did she believe that the risk was minimal or that Superman could do it without killing her. That was the whole point of her sacrifice. She knew it was highly dangerous, she knew the odds were better that she wouldn't survive than that she would but she chose to go ahead anyway to save Clark's parents.

I make no judgements on whether it was the right or wrong choice - I don't have much of an opinion either way - but she didn't go into the decision naively.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers