Elisabeth, when I calculated time and distance to Milan, I added 1 1/2 hours to the London time each way. Paris is only 211 miles from London by air, which is 10 minutes by Concorde, so you can figure the flight time is 3 hours, give or take 5 minutes. Adding an hour and a half to get from picking Lois up to the airport and from landing at the airport to the restaurant, so that is a 4.5 hour trip from the time Lex picks up Lois until they stroll into the restaurant. Two hours for dinner and then a 4.5 hour trip back means he could pick her up about 2 pm and get her home about 1 am, with dinner about 6:30 by their stomachs' time. If Lois slept on the way back, they could leave about 3:30 pm and have dinner about 8 pm, and get back about 2:30 am.

But in the series, L&C were at the restaurant until midnight on their first date--and had to be at work the next morning--so an extra couple of hours might not bother her.

Sheila Harper
Hopeless fan of a timeless love story
