Originally posted by Lieta:
what if they were to do something like decide that brown eyes were 'correct' and anything else was 'not correct'...

Like I said earlier, with an entire state to develop a baseline, and modifications to that baseline continue to happen happen until all that is a 'normal' human is included. Things that are detremental to the baseline, like a messed up chromosone, will get fixed. There is nothing good or bad about blue vs. brown.
Left vs right is normal. Missing thumbs isn't.
Originally posted by Dandello:
Well, if it's true that most deleterious mutations are due to single transpositions, the picies might look at that, or, more likely look at the overall effects of how a gene manifests and if it does no harm, then leave it alone.

Exactly. And in my universe, that is how all deleterious mutations are done, yeah...

... A perfectly healthy population would be a very good looking one - that 13% that's left out is going to be considered less attractive and may even have a hard time getting mates.

Well, yes, I could see that. But this is LnC and soulmates do happen.
Originally posted by carolm:
For instance, one woman I know only ovulates every other cycle, but when she does ovulate, she double ovulates, so she's much more likely to have fraternal twins - or would the doodads 'fix' her too?

According to my beloved wife, double ovulation isn't all that uncommon. So...if both eggs are fertalized, then she's going to have more kids.

Anonpip, thanks for your input. I am sure that I can use that information.

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!