I am, once again, fading away from making sense. Took me much longer to read this part than it should have because of that. Still, I couldn't tear myself away to save it for later. So, you're going to have to make do with undervalued comments.

Basically, they go like this:

Awww, poor Clark. You're an idiot, but we love you anyway.

Go Cat! Pop up out of nowhere, prove your depth, and do good deeds! Nice! Good to see past the veneer.

<Hands Lois Investigator Of The Year Award> You figured it out! All of it! Wow! Woo-hoo!

<sees Lois's conclusion, takes back Investigator Of The Year Award. Is about to beat Lois over the head with it.>

Uh-oh. Crying over the pregnancy test. There's reason to cry either way, really, but why do I get the feeling it's positive?

<Waits to be sure. Doesn't want to beat Lois about the head if she's pregnant.>

So, when's part 8? I want to see more! I want to find out what happens! I want to see them talk things out! I want to find out if I can beat Lois about the head with an Investigator Of The Year award.

Very good start to fixing things, though. I guess you deserve the nice version of the FDK for the last part. Sorry I'm too tired to write it. Hey, at least I don't have to ask nicely to see part 7. wink


Edit: Forgot to mention... I'm not sure if it's a US/UK thing or just my engineering background, but I was surprised by your usage of "constrained." Although I did find that Webster's lists the secondary definition, it's not a meaning I can recall having seen ascribed to the word.

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.