Yet another tale I've read has Clark slowing down to allow the computer to catch up.

Someone somewhere has to give Clark an HP 200LX Palmtop .

I have one, it is possible to type rapidly on it and it is small enough to fit inside hie aura. So when he goes to superspeed mode it would as well.

I've got one sitting in a drawer. I used it from 1998 to 2004 and in some ways it was a much better PDA than my iPaqs and such.

OK the 200lx didn't arrive till 1994, the 100lx till 1993 but the 95lx was available in 1991. Clark could have obtained one.

I can even picture him with the special version of ACT! made for it to keep track of everyone he meets.

Clark would love the simple flat database files available for the 200lx series.
