I was reading a tale ( Luck and Consequence - Part 4 ) when this line struck me;
It pained Clark not to be able to respond to every call for help but he could see that there was no way to meet all of his growing family responsibilities without curtailing the time spent as Superman.
This mind set is common in so many fan fic Superman tales. It shows up the series somewhat as well.

I'm making this comment here because it is a general comment not really about the tale I was reading.

I live in a city of a few hundred thousand. I believe canon has Metropolis as having a population of several million.

Superman would need to "find a balance" about 20 minutes after arrival. The number of events is overwhelming even in some place like Portland, let alone a city the size of Metropolis.

I read a novel a while back where the author had some events take place in New York City. He had about 1100 cops. The number struck me a low. So I looked it up, there are 37,000 cops in the New York City Police. This does not count the 27 other types of Police. Hey if Portland has 27 different types NY has at least that many.

So my rant winds down. Folks get over it, either he already found a balance or he went insane.
