Three stories that I remember:

From Yellow Fever by ML Thompson:
"Don't lie to me," the superhero hissed, narrowing his eyes. "This is about my wife, isn't it?"
From Good Samaritan by Aria:
"Really, honey," he continued, "I'll be fine in a few days. I'm just... very tired."

My jaw tumbled open. Honey. An unexpected word.

Superman had someone he called honey?
From Trials of the Heart by Alicia U.:
If I had relations with L-, I mean a woman, and she became pregnant, would it hurt her?"

Clark breathed a sigh of relief. He had almost slipped in his fear for Lois' safety. He did think Dr. Klein should know his secret eventually, but now was not the right time.

Dr. Klein heard Superman's slip of the tongue and thought, 'Uh-huh, I knew he had a girlfriend.'
If there're more stories on this subject, I would love to read them. hyper


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15