I'm having a hard time coming up with a good example from the show but... here we go smile .

Let's go with HG Wells when he tells Alt-Clark never say impossible or whatever when talking about finding Alt-Lois in Lois and Clarks [or whichever ep it was] so Alt-Lois is still alive.

Two scenarios:

Alt-Lois [1997] goes back to Alt-Lois [1993] and convinces her not to go to the Congo so Alt-Lois stays in Metropolis. I know this would set in motion a new timeline or possibly a new universe or whatever but that's not the point. What I want to know is if Alt-Lois [1993] will actually remember the conversation or will she just have a very strong 'gut' feeling that she shouldn't go? She's actually seen 'herself' or whatever [like BttFII Marty/Doc avoiding BttFI Marty/Doc so they don't meet themselves.]

Lois [1997] goes back to Alt-Lois [1993] and convinces her not to go to the Congo. Here it's a different Lois meeting her - like Clark and Alt-Clark meeting in Lois and Clarks. There wouldn't be any reason for them not to remember it because it's not really the same person.

Does that make any sense at all?

So if you go back in time and talk to yourself - but don't change the timeline - do you remember it [the younger you not the older you]? If you go back and *do* change the timeline - do you remember it [the younger you not the older you]? If the you from another universe talks to you - regardless of timeline - older, younger, etc - you would remember it though, because it's not really you - right?

Am I making anyone else's head spin?

TIA smile .