Oh, I am SO in. smile W00t! I love NaNo.

I was jut saying a few days ago how I need to find something to write about. If not an actual plot bunny, then at least maybe I ought to pick a pairing. hehe! wink

Someone suggested I try a fairy tale, but I'm not sure I can pull of 50,000 words of it. /ponders. I could turn Clark into the Ice King in one, though - I have an idea for something where there's this king who lives in a palace made of ice. *giggles*

@ Carol -- YAY for being done posting (and in the middle of everything you got going no less... go you!) I'll be looking forward to reading the whole thing once you send it up to the archive (unless..you know..you have it in a Word document and you want to send it over. I offer candies -- I mean, uh, feedback -- to people who send me Word docs. *giggles*)

:waves at Sheila: -- finishing a project sounds like a really good idea to do for NaNo, I agree. And I'm glad to see you're considering joining in again. laugh (also, very OT, but I sent you an email days ago - however, my email provider was having a heck of a lot of issues maintaining proper service, so I'm not sure you got it at all... it wasn't a big deal, but I kind of wonder about it anyway.)

And, to everyone else: I'm totally looking forward to adding more FoLCs on my writing buddies list this year, so .... join in! You know you wanna!!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies