Another Interesting Article From the Times

Yeah...I don't think reading online is the same as picking up a book. And this...

When a friend introduced Nadia to, she turned off the television and started reading online.
...reminds me that the Pit is not exactly a treasure trove of writing to be emulated. (Here I'm moving a bit away from the debate on reading to writing) It's not all bad though, fanfic offers the potential be a good exercise in creativity if anything, and yes, to tweak writing skills. The problem is that the last is only in very limited cases, I don't think the young ones getting online are thinking about this as they write their um...Joker/Mary Sue fic on FF.

Any thoughts? Will teh intarweb (fanfic) eventually kill the writer? wink


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan