My laptop has a really NASTY virus on it and isn't working frown .

We're hoping we can restore it with the CD and not lose anything in the My Doc folders but... I don't have the CD. Am hoping my neighbor [who I bought it from] still has it or has another one.

I *did* get most of the important stuff off - including all the LtL files and the other wip that I have about 25 chapters done on. I lost a few other wips - the 'best' one that I'm excited about I emailed several people in the last couple of days so I can get it back.

All that said - I'm using DH's computer and it doesn't have Office 07 on it yet. Should soon. I can't access the files at the moment though.

That said, it's virtually done so... Hopefully by Monday I can get posting again.

Thanks for your patience!