"allows woozy clauses to lean on each other like drunks."
<snork> Love that phrase!

They send "ur" and I yell back, "It's two extra letters, TYPE THEM!"

My own personal one is "_______ and I" at all times. It's like even if one slept through most of one's language arts classes, he/she did retain (part) of the lesson on "and I." Yet missed the part where "______ and me" is sometimes correct. The best way I learned it: take out the other person and say or read the sentence with just you in it. "Jack and I went to the park" becomes "I went to the park." "A dog barked at Jack and I" becomes "A dog barked at I." The correct phrase, then, for the second sentence would be "A dog barked at Jack and me."

wink (My main GE beef.)

'Toc <guiltily brushes a few gerunds quietly off lap and kicks them under the rug>

TicAndToc :o)


"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three."
-Elayne Boosler