So going through my blogroll, I came across two posts that examine the idea of "constructive criticism" in fandom. I think a while back there was a thread on what fdk authors want, but these postings made me think of fdk from the reader's POV.

The first, Why Most "Concrit" Isn\'t Helpful argues just that. Key snippet:

Most people who read fic don't comment at all. If they do, it's to tell you they liked it, and often they themselves don't know why. I don't have a problem with that because often I am that person--sometimes a story just blisses me out.

But 90% of the "concrit" I've received over the years on publicly posted fanfiction (outside of "you missed a typo") has been useless. The reasons readers don't like stories usually don't have anything to do with what the writer was or was not trying to do. So far as I can tell, people tend to criticise stories for the following reasons...
Another interesting view can be found probaby in the comments (but I have little patience with expanding threads on lj) or in Readers with Credentials (this is replying to something else, but I think it's somewhat relevant). Key snippet here:

I'm referring to the fact that some fanfic writers explain that they're only willing to take into account concrit by people they know and trust. If a random reader, whom they don't know, offers them concrit in a review, they apparently are much more willing to dismiss it.
Both made me think about how I fdk. I wouldn't consider my fdk as "constructive criticism." Usually, I fdk with my knee jerk reaction to something, not really looking at whether the writing "works" or not (which of course another can of worms). If my fdk does cross into concrit ("this worked/did not work for me because X"), it's rare and largely incidental. However, I do think that fdk is helpful even if there is no concrit, simply because it encourages the writer to keep writing and that in itself makes a difference IMO. Not that I'm that altruistic while I fdk. Clearly I'm more interested in my enjoyment than being any help to anyone blush .

There's a lot more to be said here, but to open this up, to whoever is bored and wants to add their .02--as a *reader* (of the archive and/or the boards), do you consider your fdk "constructive criticism"? Do you think it's helpful to the writer?


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan