*clears throat*

I'm working on a rewrite of the one episode I never wanted to rewrite in the first place: the pilot. *shrugs* It's for my cross-over ficathon story. (and hey, believe it or not, I have seven whole pages of it already!)

Anyway, I'm desperately trying to make this story work, but I ran into a "snag" of some sort.

Ahum... OK... this is the thing: no matter how many times I've watched the ep (and that's not so many, really 'coz it's not my favorite at all) and I read the script and I've read adaptations from others and... well, anyway, the thing is this: I don't understand the story very well at all. I'm trying to. Really, I am. But it seems to me there are plot holes the size of my house in that and... well, let's just say it's a good thing they threw in Clark in a towel, or I might not ever have wanted to see that episode again anyway.

Can someone just please explain a few things to me? I mean, I get that Baines & Luthor are working together to sabotage the space program, for monetary gain - that's the obvious part.

What I don't get is how did Lois & Clark ever manage to get a front page article with Baines pic and a title that says it was all her doing...

First they seem to figure everything out, but they don't have any hard facts, right? And Perry yells at them to get some.

Then, they end up in the warehouse and they talk to her and she explains things to them, basically implicating herself -- but how is that hard facts? How do they even link that to her? She blew up...

And how does Clark figure out that Luthor is behind any of this? Without Lois getting a clue? I mean, it has to be something only Superman knows, but as far as I can see it, everything Clark (or Superman!) knows about the case and/or Luthor, Lois knows, too. So if Clark suspects something, wouldn't it be as obvious as the nose on your face, and therefore Lois would be a really BAD investigative reporter for not seeing it?

(and um... if anyone's still reading this... let's say I wanted to take Lex completely out of the equation... Other than monetary gain, is there anything that would make someone like Baines want to sabotage the space program anyway -- cause she's head of EPRAD, so she's jeopardizing her career, right?)

Thaaaaaaaaaank you!!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies